Saturday, November 12, 2005

To Siddharth with an 'a'

I intend this blog to be anonymous
I apologise for inquiring as to whether you were born an a*** or if you had lost all your sentient parts gradually to disuse atrophy
N yea, nice blog.

to The Others who 'veiw profiles but do not comment' :
Siddhartha does have a quirky, funny way of putting a point forth, so check his blog out :

Also, check out this wonderfully rum story i came across:


Siddhartha said...

the army brat post was seriously entertaining...sass: a 'cult' reference from a book u have YET to return if my aging memory serves me right...

Siddhartha said...

Incidentally, I visited allthedamnedurlsaretaken immediately after reaching MMBI...but like 24 (and counting, at 2.37PM IST 12/11/2005) others I viewed the profile but left without posting a comment.

Anonymous said...

i wonder why u r so fiercely secretive abt this blog (what's the point? at least, i don't get it!)...but, rest assured, i respect ur privacy (believe me!) the cliched line goes...are sealed.

Siddhartha said...

'N yea' you do have a way with insults...

Anonymous said...

liked wht u hav writtn....