Sunday, February 06, 2011

Navvari and Flip-flops

S and I met in 2007. Unlike in all the brownpaper covered Mills and Boons you've read hiding under the covers as a teenager, we didnt fall in love at first sight. Nor at the second or third, if truth be told. We did fall in love though, and it is glorious. We even did the whole long distance thing for way longer than anyone in their right mind would admit to, and live to tell the tale.

The journey so far has been quite something, but it's small potatoes compared to what we're about to do next: Live with each other!

But before all that comes the wedding! I hope to blog about all the plans, the insanity and the excitement leading up to it.

Oh, what a life! We cannot wait
to be in arctic land
where we'll be masters of our fate
and lead a life that's grand!

So, as Calvin would say, Yukon ho!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's in a name

"She wont be your family anymore. She'll be Mrs K.
Like Gingie, she has her own family, she's one of the B's now."

I imagine he might've wanted to say Not Just your family.
But the point is that he didnt.
A tight ball of pain rose up in my throat. I didnt know where to look or what to say.
Neha being Neha, said what I was thinking out loud for me :