Saturday, September 05, 2009

I was browsing through blogs and I found that this person I know had copied something I'd written on theirs.
They've totally ruined its form and humor. and copied without
understanding the flow. and substituted gender without realising how
jokes change according to it. no subtlety. no form. no understanding.
ohh i feel what a painter must feel when someone makes an horrid reproduction of their work. and the fact that they've copied it, too.
i'm pissed. so pissed. ooooh i'm pissed.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Falling in line with changing times and all

Watch this space for the why and the wherefore of the rather delayed move to the tarty new Blogger layout thingummybob

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How I have felt that thing that's called 'to part',
and feel it still: a dark, invincible
cruel something by which what was joined so well
is once more shown, held out, and torn apart.

In what defenceless gaze at that I've stood,
which, as it, calling to me, let me go,
stayed there, as though it were all womanhood,
yet small and white and nothing more than, oh,

a waving, now already unrelated
to me, a slight, continuing wave, - scarce now
explainable: perhaps a plum-tree bough
some perching cuckoo's hastily vacated.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, January 19, 2009


The tin roofs make it look like diamond dust from above. That and the density of population, in stark contrast to that just across the armistice line.